Fire In The Hole Productions is an independent production company with a global reach that is dedicated to making outstanding, high-octane, filmmaker-driven commercial movies in the historical/action/thriller/crime space.
The company was founded by Filmmaker, Rick Roberts in 1997 who has worked with HBO, BBC, CBS and high-end independent film companies.Fire In The Hole Productions is a trusted partner for the very best international sales and distribution companies in the UK. Since the end of 2019 Fire In The Hole Productions has become a limited company.
The global pandemic in 2020 and the following year, hit our company hard, like many companies but on a positive note, we decided to move away from the lower end market of independent filmmaking and push into higher end and bigger budget films. For example, in one production in 2022 we’ve worked closely with United Agents.
We have huge aspirations and significant long-term international growth prospects built on a foundation of exceptional sector knowledge and experience. Fire In The Hole Productions is aiming to be the largest and most prolific provider of international historical action films in the UK and Western Europe. We have a formula that works, the absolute cream of the crop of talent in all aspects of filmmaking and our timing is right. At Fire In The Hole Productions, we love film.
Fire In The Hole Productions Ltd is an award-winning, independent film production company based in the U.K.
Our philosophy is to give audiences what they want. We make world-class films using the very best talent and facilities the UK and Europe have to offer. We make films people want to see, bringing great stories to life.
We believe in independence. In an industry overshadowed by billion-dollar behemoths, we offer a counterpoint of true independence, authenticity and craftsmanship.
In the emerging post-coronavirus world, there is a genuine, significant gap in the market for high volumes of good-value entertainment which can be produced and delivered expertly and expediently. Fire In The Hole Productions can deliver this and is well placed to carry it on to a higher level.
And we’re just getting started!
The Fire In The Hole Productions slate is crammed with high quality content as we expand our operation beyond the UK. We’re going to shake things up:
Welcome to the revolution.
We are passionate about our industry and the people in it and are proud of our incredible British and international film heritages; our ambition is global and our films are designed to have genuine international appeal. We want Fire In The Hole Productions to continue to be a company that builds and fosters long-term relationships creatively as well as commercially. We also aspire to becomes an incubator for the very best creative talent and be identified as the brand that gives its audience that little bit more.